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David Silver Sapres

Posted on Sunday, August 16 @ 07:40:56 EDT by administrator

Announcements dkrager writes "

UK cbxers 82 special stolen. Reward if located.

Hi everyone, Phil Welch a member of the uk cbx club has had his superb 82 special stolen by some lowlife from outside his home in London.(It was locked) The details are as follows.

It has a 79 headlight conversion as fairing has been removed.The machine is painted in Dream Machine Suzuki blue metallic with a yellow stripe across the top of the front fender,gas tank and tailpiece so will need to be repainted before they try and sell it as very distinctive and stands out in a crowd. Special red&yellow decals with Honda Supersport Wing on tank and 79 design cbx logos on side panels. Honda CBR1000FK front forks and brakes and both wheels in bright yellow as above on bodywork. Swinging arm was re engineered with large alloy plates to take large rear wheel.White power rear shock. Harrison Billet 6 pot front callipers and 4 pot rear.Fitted Marving chrome 6 into 2 exhaust. Please keep an eye out on ebay and auto jumbles or anywhere used cbx parts are sold. We have advised Louis to keep a look out and advised cbx clubs around the world so hope that will make the bike too hot to handle. Phil is offering a £500.00($800) reward leading to recovery of the bike which has taken him many years to build in his spare time.He had just come back from a trip to France on it so you can imagine how he feels. His email is or you can contact me on anytime. Thanks for looking.

All the best


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