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David Silver Sapres

Posted on Saturday, September 02 @ 11:26:28 EDT by administrator

Rally News sr71cbx writes "

21st Annual Morro Bay CBX rally

September 8, 9, 10, 11 2006

OK all, here's the good word---Morro Bay CBX run is officially on for '06!

Just got off the phone with the management at the Econolodge South (formerly the Keystone Sandpiper Inn) Inn and all is set up for our annual pilgrimage to Morro Bay, CA.

If you plan to attend, call the motel at (805)772-7503 and ask for Bobbie (or whoever will be working the desk there), and make your reservation under the "CBX" rooms. I have the entire place reserved for our normal 3 nights (Fri., Sat. and Sun. nights -- dates are 8th, 9th &10th & check out the 11th), so just tell them how many nights you will be staying when you call. DO NOT GO ONLINE TO MAKE A RESERVATION ON THE ECONOLODGE SITE-YOU WILL BE CHARGED THE TOP ROOM RATE!

Room rates are:$100/night for rooms with 2 queen or double beds,$95/night for rooms with single king size beds, and $90/night for rooms w/single queen size beds. Bobbie was kind enough to cut us some slack on the room rates (normal rates are substantially higher now), so get 'em in while the gettin's good!

The motel is located at: 540 Main St. in Morro Bay, same place, just the name's changed!

If you have any questions, contact me at (818)841-2546,or email me at: or .

This will be a non-denominational/informal ride/get-together, so ride what ya brung --- as Rod put it, some of us prefer more modern technology to ride anymore..... But bring your CBX if possible!

Be there, let's keep the tradition going for Rod & Angela!!

More to follow.

Mark Miller


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