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Posted on Thursday, September 15 @ 01:48:38 EDT by administrator

Rally News sr71cbx writes "

Alright, all, just rolled back into the dregs of L.A. area this afternoon after another all-around good time at the 20th annual Morro Bay CBX rally. What a great time!

It all started on Friday morning around 9am here at the Burbank casa...... Rolled the turbo '79 CBX out of the garage into the early morning overcast and gloom and installed my tail bag on the back and lit the monster for its annual pilgrimage to the CBX rally at the by-now-famous Sandpiper Keystone Inn in beautiful downtown Morro Bay, CA.

As I headed out of town on the US101 freeway, picking my way thru the remainder of morning L.A. traffic and splitting lanes much to the chagrin of SUV and luxury car owners, I just said, "Ahhhhhhh.........!!!! Time to enjoy!"and proceeded to the first fuel stop in Agoura for some 100 octane Unocal 76 race gas. After tanking up, I got back on the freeway and headed north on the 101 and my appointment with destiny & fun. Aside from people driving like idiots(Mercedes Benz owners around Santa Barbara area especially), the ride was uneventful and the cool overcast kept the lid on temps to around low 60's and made for some killer HP in the turbo bike!This explains 3 tanks of gas in 200 miles........ Dohh!But it was fun........

As luck would have it, I was the first arrival at the Keystone Inn around 12:30pm, so checked in and got the choice bottom floor room in the middle and unloaded my gear, then went over and grabbed something quick to eat at the local fast food place to put out the fire of hunger in my gut. Upon my return, Rod Libby, our rally organizer and all-around great person, had arrived and was unloading the goods for the rally in the form of 2 pony kegs of Coors & Bud beer and a full keg of Sierra Nevada ale, plus a ton of munchies, a case of wine, and the tables and E-Z Up awning for all.

As the afternoon progressed,I could hear the CBX's coming in, no other sound like it!Each new arrival brought many handshakes and claps on the back, and hearty hellos and beer poured. My wife, Donna, and my son John arrived midafternoon in the car with the luggage(thanx honey!)and whatnot for the weekend so got them situated and we all indulged in lie-swapping, bench racing,and other crazy stories. The Drunks & Bums(only Darrell Peck and Noel Mechelin went to MT this year)rolled into town with 3 Canadian riders along for the rally and the indomitable Dave Gaines leading the crew around the same time,so cold ones got poured for all and more stories....!!

Around 5:30, my family and I ducked out and walked down to the Pizza Port ahead of the main crew and got their killer Monterey pizza(pepperoni, bellpeppers, and artichoke hearts with red onions to top it off) and proceeded to make pigs of ourselves. The rest of the gang poured into the pizza joint shortly thereafter and we took over the place and consumed a good portion of their beer & wine stocks before adjourning to the inn for a Friday night of more stories, cold beer and Yukon Jack's long-rumored arrival. I turned in around 10:30 pm and the fun was still going on.........!!

Saturday morning arrived and I went outdoors after hearing some signs of life in the parking lot around 7am...... Found the 1/2 gallon jug of Scotch almost emptied and the Bacardi dark rum was decimated too and Yukon Jack left completely----never found the empty.......!! Beer was still intact but all 3 kegs were considerably lighter. After breakfast at Kitty's Cafe in town for most and a general consensus, the majority of the ladies went on the limousine-guided wine-tasting tour around the vineyards in the local area(and a few proceeded to get a bit lit... all in good fun!)and Rod led the gang into San Luis Obispo and the local Honda dealer, then all went their own ways on whatever rides they wanted or rode back to the motel for the afternoon tech session/wrench thrash led by yours truly here.

The afternoon tech session consisted of assembling the top end on Noel Mechelin's '82 school bike engine(top end issues/inspection necessitated its disassembly)and giving a play-by-play description of each step so all present could learn what is involved in assembling one of these jewels. The cylinder block was installed after proper spacing of piston rings, gasket prep, and use of the ring compressor tools to aid installation, then the head was slid over the studs and torqued to spec according to the shop manual. Cams and caps were then installed by the book and properly torqued and cam chains tensioned and all 24 valves ran & adjusted at .004" in & out. We got it buttoned up just in time to get set up for the annual parking lot BBQ....... More details below on that!

After a good hot shower and clean clothes, I went out to the lot for the Santa Maria BBQ and good times, good people, and good food!Tri-tip roast, chicken, lasagna,baked beans, cole slaw, salad, and carrot cake rounded out the menu(and my gut!). Rod then began the fun chore of drawing numbers for goodies after dinner and everyone got some real cool stuff such as NOS Honda items for the CBX, polishes,lubes, oil & filter, sparkplugs, and the like. All in attendance were very pleased with the events, and, after tables and chairs were busted down, we then adjourned to the remaining beer and such left from the previous evening. Some went to Happy Jack's (not Happy Jack's anymore!BooHoo!No more den of ill repute....) and indulged, but most of us hung at the Keystone and more stories were tossed about...... All turned in a bit earlier than the last night. What a kickass evening!

Sunday morning brought another trek to Kitty's Cafe(Mike Donndelinger kept the cold pizza & eggs breakfast tradition alive!)and the departure of some of our good friends for points beyond and home. Goodbyes were said and engines were lit off, and several folks went home with a good warm feeling from another successful rally! The rest of us just hung out and relaxed in the warm sunshine at the motel, and our Canadian friends went up to Hearst Castle to see the sights and all. We then went down to the Embarcadero for a nice dinner at the Flying Dutchmans' restaurant and had a good time swapping more stories and enjoying a dynamite meal in a casual setting next to the harbor with the sunset view out the west window. It just don't get too much better than this............

Monday morn brought the imminenet departure of the rest of us from the rally site. I got the car and bike loaded and bid adios to our new friends from Canada and old friends headed home to outlying areas such as MT and OR...... I then saddled up and we left Morro Bay with a great feeling about a great CBX rally!We had a total of 16 CBX's at the rally, keep on bringing 'em out guys, we need to keep them alive here!Great job!

My ride home was uneventful and quite nice & cool, only 2 tanks of gas to get home and lunch in Goleta, CA, then on the road again to L.A. area and the Burbank casa....... Another successful rally on the books! 20 years running...... See ya next year!

Once again, many thanks go out to Rod & Angela Libby for their longtime support and planning of the Morro Bay CBX rally and other rides during the year, and also to our attendees------- Yours truly here (Mark Miller) plus my wife & son, Darrell & Tammy Peck, Noel & Julie Mechelin, Dave Gaines from Bigfork, MT), Marty Lindquist & Paul Pellow from Victoria, B.C. Canada, Bil & Sheila Rethgeber from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (ICOA AB director), Eric Schreiner from Keno, OR, Jeff & Ginny Ellmore, George & Pat Zanuzoski,G ary Allen (along with Scotty & Klara), Mike Donndelinger (cool deep sump kits Mike--thanx for bringing them down!), Mark Tieman and his dad,Pete Rose(our Del Mar winner last fall!)and his wife Barbara,Terry and Susan Ward-Llewellyn,Dwight Bagley and his lady Lori,Greg Beebe,Tom Sullivan,Oliver Boyer(and that crazy HD),Paul Fedewa,Jonathan Fedewa (and that wheelie'n' 79), Skip Ruff, Nelson"Red"Davis, Lou & Robin Bottini (cool paint Lou!), Dave"DD"Foster, Jeff Horta, Pete Wittstruck, Chris Mee, Ed Lee, Tom Chrones and his wife, and several others whose names I didn't catch or didn't get a chance to say hi to-- you know who you are and the same thanx to you, too!

Ride safe,and see you all next year in '06 at Morro Bay!

Mark Miller"

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