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dkrager writes "Come on over to beautiful Three Valley Lake Chateau & Three Valley Gap Heritage Ghost Town B.C. For the Annual ICOA Rally
When June 20th to 22nd 2003 Where On the Trans Canada Highway #1, 12 miles (19km) west of Revelstoke (halfway between Vancouver and National Parks) Toll-free: 1-888-667-2109
Why? Why not
A chance to ride some of the famous B.C. back roads
Registration is $10/person, which will help to pay for the insurance costs.
We are having a very low key event this year, but all the usual things are taking place (the Saturday evening Bar-B-Que and we have use of the common room)
For more information please contact Ron Moropito at (604) 930-7940 or e-mail to ron_moropito@telus.net
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